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信息来源:   发布日期: 2022-09-27  浏览次数:





报告主题:On the maximum spread of planar and outerplanar graphs



    The spread of a graph $G$ is the difference between the largest and smallest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of $G$. Gotshall, O'Brien and Tait conjectured that for sufficiently large $n$, the $n$-vertex outerplanar graph with maximum spread is the graph obtained by joining a vertex to a path on $n-1$ vertices. In this paper, we disprove this conjecture by showing that the extremal graph is the graph obtained by joining a vertex to a path on $\ceil{(2n-1)/3}$ vertices and $\floor{(n-2)/3}$ isolated vertices. For planar graphs, we show that the extremal $n$-vertex planar graph attaining the maximum spread is the graph obtained by joining two nonadjacent vertices to a path on $\ceil{(2n-2)/3}$ vertices and $\floor{(n-4)/3}$ isolated vertices. This is a joint work with Zelong Li, William Linz, and Zhiyu Wang.


陆临渊教授2002年于美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)获得理学博士学位。现在是南卡罗来纳大学教授,天津市千人计划专家,国际知名杂志《Journal of  Combinatorics》编委,一直得到美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)的资助。目前,陆临渊教授已经在极值组合与图论、随机网络、图谱理论等众多领域做出了许多出色的工作,在组合图论主流权威刊物发表80多篇论文。著有《Complex  graphs and networks》,合作者为金芳蓉院士(Fan  Chung)。特别的,因为解决了Erdos提出的关于Folkmanf(3,3)的上界的一个著名猜想,从而获得100美元的奖励,Erdos所悬赏解决的问题都是极其困难的问题。