报告题目:Restricted Edge-connectivity of Transitive Graphs
报告人简介:徐俊明,现任中国科学技术大学数学系教授、博士生导师、中国运筹学会理事,中国数学会组合与图论专业委员会理事。美国杂志《Journal of Mathematics and Statistics》编委,美国《Mathematical Review》和德国《Zentralblatt Math》评论员,《International Journal of Combinatorics 》编委,国内杂志《运筹学》常务编委。先后访问过法国巴黎南大学、美国耶鲁大学、中田纳西州立大学、得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校。
主要从事组合数学、图论、组合网络理论研究,发表学术论文170多篇,著有《图论及其应用》(科大出版社,1998年1月,第二版,2004年8月)《Topological Structure and Analysis of Interconnection Networks》(Kluwer Academic Publishers,2001.10),《Theory and Application of Graphs》(Kluwer Academic Publishers,2003),《组合数学》(与潘永亮合作,科学出版社,2006)和《组合网络理论》(科学出版社,2007)等书。教学项目《图论与组合网络理论课程教材建设》获首届中国科学院教学成果二等奖(2008)。
报告摘要:This talk is interested in the restricted edge-connectivity of a connected graph, which is the minimum number of edges whose removal results in disconnected and no isolated vertices. For a connected vertex-transitive graph with degree d, it has been proved that its restricted edge-connectivity is between d and 2d-2, and the lower and upper bounds can be attained. A problem confused us more than 10 years is whether there is such a connected vertex-transitive graph with odd degree d (>4) that its restricted edge-connectivity is d+s for any s in [1, d-3]. This talk constructs such a Cayley graph by using semidirect product of groups with replacement product of graphs.