报告题目:Circuit Covers of Signed Graphs
报告摘要:A signed graph is a graph G associated with a mapping \sigma: from E(G) to \{1,-1\},denoted by $(G,\sigma)$. A cycle of $(G,\sigma)$ is a connected 2-regular subgraph. A cycle C is positive if it has an even number of negative edges, and negative otherwise. The definition of circuit of signed graph comes from the signed-graphic matroid. A circuit cover of $(G,\sigma)$ is a family of positive cycles and barbells covering all edges of $(G,\sigma)$. A circuit cover with the smallest total length is called a shortest circuit cover. Bouchet proved that a signed graph with a circuit cover if and only if it is has a nowhere-zero integer ow). In this talk, we introduce some recent developments of the circuit covers of signed graphs.
This is joint work with Dong Ye.