报告时间:2020年7月3日 15:30
报告题目:The Alon-Tarsi number of planar graphs
报告摘要:As a generalization of Thomassen’s result that every planar graph is 5-choosable Hefetz [Journal of Combinatoriall Theory Ser. B, 101 (2011) 403-414] asked whether every planar graph has Alon-Tarsi number at most 5. we first give a positive answer to this question .Then we further show that every planar graph G has a matching M such that G-M has Alon-Tarsi number at most 4. As a consequence of this result, every planar graph G has a matching M such that G-M is online 4-choosable, improving a result of Cushing and Kierstead which says that every planar graph is 1-defective 4-choosable . we also prove that every triangle-free planar graph has a matching M such that G-M has Alon-Tarsi number at most 3 and hence G-M is online 3-choosable. This talk contains joint work with Jarek Grytczuk and joint work with Huajing Lu.
个人简介:朱绪鼎教授,加拿大 University of Calgary 数学博士,2010 年入选第三期国家“千人计划”,现为浙江师范大学特聘教授、博士生导师,浙江师范大学离散数学研究中心主任。研究专长是图论、算法和组合优化。主持国家自然科学面上项目 4 项,浙江省自然科学重点项目 1 项。在国际 SCI 期刊发表论文 250 余篇,论文被引用 2500 余次(MathSciNet),H-index 为 25。二十多次应邀在重要的国际学术会议上作大会报告。现任 “J.Graph Theory”,“European J.Combin.”,“Discrete Math.”,“Contrib. Discrete Math.”,“Discuss.Math.Graph Theory”,“Bulletin of Academia Sinica”,“Bulletin of Academia”,“Taiwanese J.Math” 等国际学术期刊编委。