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2017/07-至今,    福州大学数学与计算机科学学院,教授


1. 国家重点研发计划课题,2023YFA1010202,子图结构及其覆盖与分解,2023/12-2028/11,180万,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12071077,图的最大割及其相关问题研究,2021/01-2024/12,52万,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金专项项目,11826008,图的路分解及相关问题研讨班,2019/01-2019/12,20万,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11671087,图与超图若干划分问题的研究,2017/01-2020/12,57.2万,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,11331003,网络设计中的离散数学方法,2014/01-2018/12,240万,参加
6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11001055,几类图染色问题的研究,2011/01-2013/12,17万,主持
6.福建省自然科学基金杰青项目,2011J06001,图的无圈染色和无圈列表染色的研究, 2011/04-2014/04,20万,主持
7.福建省自然科学基金青年项目,2010J05004,图上几类染色问题的研究, 2010/05-2012/05,3万,主持
8.国家自然科学基金面上项目,图的(t,k,d)-树染色问题的研究,10971121, 2010/01-2012/12,24万,参加
9. 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划,几类图染色问题的研究,2011/04-2014/04,4.5万,主持
10. 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划,图的路分解和Gallai猜想的研究,2014/01-2016/12,5万, 主持 




Frontiers of Computer Science青年AE


1. Hou, Jianfeng; Hu, Caiyun; Li, Heng; Liu, Xizhi; Yang, Caihong; Zhang, Yixiao; Toward a density Corrádi–Hajnal theorem for degenerate hypergraphs. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 172 (2025), 221262.

2. Hou, Jianfeng; Li, Heng; Zeng, Qinghou Extremal graphs for the suspension of edge-critical graphs. Electron. J. Combin. 31 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 4.55, 15 pp.

3. Hou, Jianfeng; Li, Heng; Yang, Caihong; Zhang, Yixiao Generating non-jumps from a known one. Sci. China Math. 67 (2024), no. 12, 2899–2908.

4. Deng, Jinghua; Hou, Jianfeng; Zeng, Qinghou The Turán number of three disjoint paths. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 44 (2024), no. 4, 15131537.

5. Zhang, Yixiao; Hou, Jianfeng; Li, Heng A 2-stable family of triple systems. Electron. J. Combin. 31 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 2.3, 23 pp.

6. Hou, Jianfeng; Yang, Caihong; Zeng, Qinghou Counting triangles in graphs without vertex disjoint odd cycles. Discrete Math. 347 (2024), no. 7, Paper No. 114015, 8 pp.

7. Zhang, Guofen; Li, Ping; Hou, Jianfeng; Bai, Bo The zero-error capacity of binary channels with 2-memories. Adv. Math. Commun. 18 (2024), no. 1, 179–191.

8. Hou, Jianfeng; Li, Heng; Liu, Xizhi; Mubayi, Dhruv; Zhang, Yixiao Hypergraphs with infinitely many extremal constructions. Discrete Anal. 2023, Paper No. 18, 34 pp.

9. Hou, Jianfeng; Jin, Yindong; Miao, Lianying; Zhao, Qian, Coloring squares of planar graphs with maximum degree at most five, Graphs Combin. 39 (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 20, 14 pp.

10. Sun, Gaoxing; Hou, Jianfeng; Zeng, Qinghou, Large induced subgraphs with three repeated degrees, Discrete Math. 346 (2023), no. 5, Paper No. 113344, 10 pp.

11. Hou, Jianfeng; Jin, Yindong; Li, Heng; Miao, Lianying; Zhao, Qian, On L(p,q)-labelling of planar graphs without cycles of length four, Appl. Math. Comput. 446 (2023), Paper No. 127884, 11 pp.

12. Hou, Jianfeng; Zhu, Hongguo, On (2,r)-choosability of planar graphs without short cycles, Appl. Math. Comput. 444 (2023), Paper No. 127830, 8 pp.

13. Sun, Gaoxing; Li, Heng; Zeng, Qinghou; Hou, Jianfeng, Singular Turán numbers of stars, Pure Appl. Math. Q. 18 (2022), no. 6, 25992618.

14. Rao, Mengjiao; Hou, Jianfeng; Zeng, Qinghou, Odd induced subgraphs in planar graphs with large girth, Graphs Combin. 38 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 105, 12 pp.

15. Wu, Shufei; Hou, Jianfeng, On judicious bipartitions of directed graphs, Discrete Math. 345 (2022), no. 10, Paper No. 112988, 9 pp.

16. Rao, Mengjiao; Hou, Jianfeng; Zeng, Qinghou, Maximum bisections of graphs without cycles of length 4, Discrete Math. 345 (2022), no. 8, Paper No. 112914, 11 pp.

17. Li, Heng; Hou, Jianfeng; Zhu, Hongguo, On (3,r)-choosability of some planar graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 45 (2022), no. 2, 851–867.

18. Jianfeng Hou, Hongguo Zhu, Coloring graphs without bichromatic cycles or paths, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 44 (2021), no. 4, 1905–1917

19. Hou, Jianfeng; Wu, Shufei, On bisections of graphs without complete bipartite graphs J. Graph Theory 98 (2021), no. 4, 630–641.

20. Gergely Ambrus, Bo Bai, Jianfeng Hou, Uniform tight frames as optimal signals, Adv. in Appl. Math. 129 (2021), 102219.

21. Jianfeng Hou, Y. Yan, Max-Bisections of H-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (1), (2020) 111590.

22. Jianfeng Hou, Hongguo Zhu, Choosability with union separation of triangle-free planar graphs. Discrete Math. 343 (2020), no. 12, 112137.

23. Jianfeng Hou, Z. Li, S. Wu, On bipartitions of directed graphs with small semidegree, European Journal of Combinatorics 84, (2020) 103039.

24. Jianfeng Hou, H. Zhu Choosability with union separation of planar graphs without cycles of length 4, Applied Mathematics and Computation 386 (2020) 125477.

25. Jianfeng Hou, H. Zhu, Choosability with union separation of triangle-free planar graphs, Discrete Mathematics 343 (12) (2020) 112137.

26. Jianfeng Hou, H. Ma, X. Yu, X. Zhang, A bound on judicious bipartitions of directed graphs, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 63 (2), (2020) 297-308.

27. Jianfeng Hou, H. Ma, J. Yu, X. Zhang, On partitions of K2,3-free graphs under degree constraints. Discrete Math. 341 (2018) 3288–3295.

28. Jianfeng Hou, Shufei Wu, Bipartitions of oriented graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 132 (2018) 107–133.

29. Shufei Wu, Jianfeng Hou, Partitioning dense uniform hypergraphs, J. Comb. Optim. 35 (2018) 48–63.

30. Genghua Fan, Jianfeng Hou, Xingxing Yu, Bisections of graphs without short cycles Combin. Probab. Comput. 27 (2018) 44–59.

31. Qinghou Zeng, Jianfeng Hou, Maximum cuts of graphs with forbidden cycles, ARS Mathematica Contemporanea 15 (2018) 147–160.

32. Genghua Fan, Jianfeng Hou, Bounds for pairs in judicious partitioning of graphs, Random Structures Algorithms 50 (2017) 59–70.

33. Jianfeng Hou, Qinghou Zeng, Judicious partitioning of hypergraphs with edges of size at most 2, Combin. Probab. Comput. 26 (2017) 267-284.

34. Jianfeng Hou, Qinghou Zeng, On a problem of judicious k-partitions of graphs, J. Graph Theory 85 (2017) 619–643.

35. Jianfeng Hou, Shufei Wu, On bisections of directed graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 63 (2017) 44-58.

36. Qinghou Zeng, Jianfeng Hou, Bipartite subgraphs of H-free graphs, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 96 (2017) 1-13.

37. Xia Zhang, Jianfeng Hou, Guizhen Liu, Guiying Yan, Graphs of f -class 1, Discrete Applied Mathematics 222 (2017) 197-204.

38. Lei Cheng, Jianfeng Hou, Yusheng Li, Qizhong Lin, Monochromatic solutions for multi-term unknowns, Graphs and Combinatorics 32 (2016) 2275–2293.

39. Jianfeng Hou, Shufei Wu, Guiying Yan, On judicious partitions of uniform hypergraphsJ. Combin. Theory Ser. A 141 (2016) 16-32.

40. Jianfeng Hou, Shufei Wu, Acyclic coloring of graphs without bichromatic long path, Front. Math. China 10 (2015) 1343–1354.

41. Xin Zhang, Jianfeng Hou, Guizhen Liu, On total colorings of 1-planar graphs, J. Comb. Optim. 30 (2015) 160–173.

42. Genghua Fan, Jianfeng Hou, Qinghou Zeng, A bound for judicious k-partitions of graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 179 (2014) 86–99.

43. Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, Every toroidal graph is acyclically 8-choosable, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 30 (2014) 343–352.

44. Jianfeng Hou, Weitao Wang, Xiaoran Zhang, Acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs with girth at least 5, Discrete Appl. Math. 161 (2013) 2958–2967.

45. Yue Guan, Jianfeng Hou, Yingyuan Yang, An improved bound on acyclic chromatic index of planar graphs, Discrete Math. 313 (2013) 1098–1103.

46. Q. Lin, Jianfeng Hou, Y. Liu, Acyclic edge coloring of graphs with large girths, Science China Mathematics, 12 (2012) 2593–2600.

47. M. Cygan, Jianfeng Hou, Ł. Kowalik, B. Luvzar, J. Wu, A planar linear arboricity conjecture, Journal of Graph Theory, 69 (2012), 403–425.

48. Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, J. Wu, Acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs without small cycles, Graphs and Combinatorics, 28 (2012) 215–226.

49. Jianfeng Hou, B. Liu, G. Liu, J. Wu, Total coloring of planar graphs without 6-cycles, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011) 157-163.

50. Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, G. Wang, Improved bounds for acyclic chromatic index of planar graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011) 876-881.

51. G. Chang, Jianfeng Hou, N. Roussel, Local condition for planar graphs of maximum degree 7 to be 8-totally colorable, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011) 760-768.

52. Jianfeng Hou, N. Roussel, J. Wu, Acyclic chromatic index of planar graphs with triangles, Information Processing Letters, 111 (2011) 836-840.

53. Jianfeng Hou, J. Wu, G. Liu, B. Liu, Acyclic edge chromatic number of outerplanar graphs, J. Graph Theory, 64 (2010) 22-36.

54. Jianfeng Hou, J. Wu, G. Liu, B. Liu, Total coloring of embedded graphs of maximum degree at least ten, Science China-Mathematics 53 (2010) 2127-2133.

55. G. Chang, Jianfeng Hou, N. Roussel, On the total choosability of planar graphs and of sparse graphs, Information Processing Letters, 110 (2010) 849-853.

56. G. Liu, Jianfeng Hou, The method of coloring in graphs and its application, J. Systems Science & Complexity, 23 (2010) 951-960.

57. Jianfeng Hou, J. Wu, G. Liu, B. Liu, Acyclic edge colorings of planar graphs and series-parallel graphs, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, (2009) 52 (3) 1-12.

58. Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, J. Cai, Edge-choosability of planar graphs without adjacent triangles or without 7-cycles, Discrete Math. 309(2009) 77-84.

59. B. Liu, Jianfeng Hou, J. Wu, G. Liu, Total colorings and list total colorings of planar graphs without intersecting 4-cycles, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 6035-6043.

60. D. Yu, Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, B. Liu, L. Xu, Acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs with large girth, Theoretical Computer Science 410 (2009) 5196-5200.

61. J. Cai, G. Liu, Jianfeng Hou, The stability number and connected [k,k+1]-factor in graphs, Appl. Math. Lett. 22 (2009) 927-931.

62. J. Cai, Jianfeng Hou, X. Zhang, G. Liu, Edge-choosability of planar graphs without non-induced 5-cycles. Inform. Process. Lett. 109 (2009) 343-346.

63. 侯建锋, 吴建良, 刘桂真, 刘彬, 平面图和系列平行图的无圈边染色, 中国科学A: 数学, 38 (12) (2008) 1335-1346.

64. Jianfeng Hou, Y. Zhu, G. Liu, J. Wu, Total colorings of planar graphs without small cycles. Graphs and Combinatorics, 24 (2008) 91–100.

65. B. Liu, Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, List edge and list total colorings of planar graphs without short cycles, Information Processing Letters 108 (2008) 347–351.

66. Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, J. Wu, Some results on list total colorings of planar graphs, Lecture Note in Computer Science, 4489 (2007) 320-328.

67. G. Liu, Jianfeng Hou, J. Cai, Some results about f-critical graphs, Networks 50 (3)(2007) 197-202.

68. J. Wu, Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, The linear arboricity of planar graphs with no short cycles, Theoretical Computer Science, 381 (2007) 230-233.

69. Jianfeng Hou, G. Liu, J. Cai, List edge and list total colorings of planar graphs without 4-cycles, Theoretical Computer Science 369 (2006) 250-255. 




1. The 2024 International Congress of Basic Science,Beijing, 2024.7.14-26, 大会报告
2. The 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Aug 20-25. 2023, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan,邀请报告
3. 第十二届海峡两岸图论与组合数学研讨会,2023.7.9-12,洛阳师范学院,邀请报告
4. The first International Congress of Basic Science,Beijing, 2023.7.16-28, 邀请报告
5. 第十届全国组合数学与图论大会将于2022年8月19日-8月22日,哈尔滨工程大学,大会报告
6.  The 9th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians,2022,南京,45分钟邀请报告
7. 第十届海峡两岸图论与组合数学研讨会,2019.8.18-24,台湾中兴大学,大会报告
8. 2019年组合数学与图论青年学者论坛,2019.6.21-24,福州大学,主讲人
9. 第八届图论与组合算法国际研讨会暨中国运筹学会图论组合分会代表大会,2019.7.5-7,江苏师范大学,邀请报告
10.  The 8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians,2019.6.9-14,清华大学,45分钟邀请报告
11.  The fourth Sino-Japan symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and their Applications, 2018.11.1-6,东京理科大学,邀请报告
12. The East Asia Workshop on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory,复旦大学,2018.10,邀请报告
13. The 15th GraphMasters International Conference on Networks and Algorithms, July 15-18, 2018,Xi’an Polytechnic University,邀请报告
14. International Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, June 25-29, 2018,清华三亚国际数学论坛,邀请报告
15. 2018图论与组合数学青年学者研讨会,2018年4月6日–8日,郑州大学,邀请报告
16. 2017图论与组合数学青年学者研讨会,2017年10月21—22日,浙江师范大学,邀请报告
17. The Third Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, 2017年12月8 -10日,湖南大学,邀请报告
18. 2017年“图中圈及相关结构”学术研讨会,2017年8月11-13日,宁夏大学,邀请报告
19. Workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Network,June 3-June 4, 2017,北京交通大学,邀请报告
20. Workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorics,2017年5月12-14日,中国矿业大学,邀请报告
21. The third Sino-Japan symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and their Applications, Xi'an, China, Nov. 4-Nov.6, 2016. 大会报告
22. 2016西安图论与组合数学研讨会,2016年5月13-15日,西北工业大学,邀请报告
23. 2016年长三角图论与组合研讨会,2016 年 4 月 16 日—17 日,南京师范大学,邀请报告
24. 中国数学会2015学术年会, 2015年11月21-24日,首都师范大学,邀请报告
25. International Conference on Graph Theory and Applications,August 15-16, 2015, Middle Tennessee State University, USA, 邀请报告
26. 第七届海峡两岸图论与组合数学学术会议,2013年6月21-24日,湖南师范大学,邀请报告
27. 24th British Combinatorial Conference, 30 Jun.-5 Jul., 2013, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, 邀请报告
28. 第五届全国组合数学与图论大会,2012年7月15-18日,洛阳师范学院, 邀请报告